

Preah Ko Temple Guide

Preah Ko is located in Roluos which is around 15km from Siem Reap. It's located next to Bakong temple and south of Lolei temple.

Preah Ko - 遊客評語

Tripadvisor提供暹粒Preah Ko網友評論, 可以進行暹粒Preah Ko預訂查詢, 諮詢暹粒Preah Ko價格, 還可以找到暹粒Preah Ko官網, 暹粒Preah Ko網友評論如下:神牛寺.

(暹粒, 柬埔寨)Preah Ko

Preah Ko:查看Tripadvisor 上在柬埔寨暹粒的旅遊景點排名,瀏覽關於Preah Ko的旅客評論和真實旅客照片。

Preah Ko Preah Keo

Preah Ko Preah Keo is a famous Cambodian legend about two brothers who were born in Cambodia. The older brother was an ox named Preah Ko and the younger was ...

Preah Ko

Preah Ko consists of six brick towers arranged in two rows of three towers each perched on a sandstone platform. The towers face east, and the front central ...

Preah Ko

Preah Ko, “the sacred bull”, is one of the oldest monuments in Angkor. The Hindu temple dedicated to Shiva is named after the bull Nandi, the mount of Shiva ...

Preah Ko | Temples of Angkor, Cambodia

Preah Ko was erected by Indravarman I in the late 9th century and dedicated to Shiva. In AD 880 the temple was also dedicated to his deified ancestors: the ...

柬埔寨吳哥遺跡Roluos 建築群:Lolei, Preah Ko, Bakong

建築年代:: 公元九世紀晚期(Yasovarman I)年代。 宗教:: 印度教(濕婆神Shiva)。 建築風格:: Preah Ko、Bakong:Preah Ko;Lolei:Preah Ko 過渡往Bakheng。





